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Category: Multi-channel Contact Center

119 blogs

Get Moving with Mobile

There is a flood of mobile use and it’s such a game changer that contact centers will either sink or swim. The proliferation of mobile devices, particularly smartphones, is changing the ways customers expect to interact with companies. It’s the age of the customer and people’s perception of great service is changing – expectations are higher than ever. Brand...

Upcoming Webinar: NICE CXone's Universal Queue

In this month’s webinar we will be covering how to manage NICE CXone’s Universal Queue. I’m excited to share this information with you all because I know how important it can be to your contact center’s success. Customers today are asking for more channels of contact with business. In the age of the customer, providing multiple channels of contact...

Know where You Stand and Take Steps to Improve

How does your contact stack up next to industry peers and what steps do you need to take to improve? Our new benchmark assessment tool uses best practice data from hundreds of surveys conducted by the Aberdeen Group. After you define your job function, you’re taken to a customized assessment that asks about your primary goal and...

Frost & Sullivan East - Trends & Ideas

Last week, some of my NICE CXone colleagues and I ventured to Marco Island, Florida for the annual Frost & Sullivan East conference. While we were there, we engaged in some great discussions with customers, partners, future customers and friends. Conferences can be a bit overwhelming as there are so many ideas thrown around that it is hard...

Using a Chat Feature to Drive Customer Contacts

Chat. A technology that’s emerging as one of the best ways to connect with your customers, is still something that is completely underutilized. Too many people are afraid to use it; whether because they’re concerned about retraining agents or having to add additional staff, or they’re worried about the cost and time to develop something, or even...